Recommended for asthma patients [Drink ①]

Here are some recommended drinks for asthma patients. It is also effective in alleviating the symptoms of asthma attacks and making it less likely to occur.
I have been dating asthma for decades since I was a child. In that experience, I would like to introduce a particularly recommended drink.
◼️ Good things to drink on a regular basis
① Herbal tea
(I like chamomile) Put honey in hot chamomile tea and have it slowly. If you take it slowly, it will warm the back of your throat and bronchi. Anyway, please take your time.
The more severe the asthma attack, the more likely it is to become dehydrated. Of course, even if you have a seizure, herbal tea will warm your bronchi and relieve your symptoms. In many cases, it is not possible to completely stop the symptoms, but it is very important as a way to alleviate the symptoms, so please try it.



At the age of 10, one in one million people develops a rare cancer (osteosarcoma).
Cancer notification, amputation of right leg and life expectancy from the attending physician. From my own experience, I would like to convey the hearts of cancer patients, especially children with childhood cancer, to the world.


