[Must-see for cancer patients] Cancer onset is a turning point for a successful life

Recommended for those who have cancer and are losing hope in life.

“I have cancer and am fighting illness, so I can’t afford to think about my future life.”

“I’m doing my best just to live!”

What a voice you can hear,

This content is recommended for such people.

Childhood Cancer Survivor (Author)

I developed cancer in the summer of my third year of elementary school.
My doctor told me that I had cancer.

At the same time, I was asked to confirm the approval of the amputation of the right leg during surgery.

My mother burst into tears, and when I saw her, I was filled with hopelessness.

Having had such an experience, I look back on the changes in thinking before the onset of cancer and after cancer treatment.


◼️ What can you do at the turning point of your life?

Yes, I will answer.

◼️ What you can do at the turning point

① [Change freely]
I think you can change the way you live your life as much as you like, depending on how you think about it.

② [Getting a prospect for success]
I think you can challenge anything and find a way to success.

Now, let me explain two things that can be done at the turning point.

① [Change freely]
I think you can change the way you live your life as much as you like, depending on how you think about it.

◼️ Explanation
What happened to you when you developed cancer?


“Oh, it’s over.” “Life isn’t saved.”

I think that kind of negative idea has passed.

I thought about the same thing when I had cancer.

In other words, when you developed cancer, you thought that your life was over.

In other words,

After cancer treatment, it is [the beginning of a second life].

It means that you can live two lives.

If the first life is before the onset of cancer,

What I couldn’t do, what I couldn’t realize, what I failed in my first life, etc.

Do what you like!

What you want to do!

Free life planning!

You can imagine and start over.

Everyone, it’s a very nice way of thinking.

second Life

I will explain the second thing you can do.

② [Getting a prospect for success]
I think you can challenge anything and find a way to success.

◼️ Explanation
In the above, I talked about “the second life is a free life plan”.

So what kind of story will that second life be?

Of course, you all have a happy life,

You will want a happy ending.

That’s good.

Draw a happy ending life just in your head.

However, there are some caveats.

That is, “Don’t tell your relatives about the happy ending life plan you envision.”

why? You may be wondering, but
There is a reason for this.

Why not tell your relatives about your life plan

[Because there is a temperature difference]

You want to forget about the onset of cancer.

on the other hand

Relatives, [You = concentrate on cancer treatment]

It is.

Even though they are close to each other, there is a temperature difference between you and your close relatives, and the story will not be intertwined.

If you tell your close relatives your dream of life planning, your close relatives will tell you this way.

“You are being treated for cancer, so you don’t have to think about anything else.”

“Don’t just dream, you should concentrate on your treatment.”

etc,It will awaken you to reality.


[You who want to have hope in life after cancer treatment]


[People who think about you too much and focus on treatment]

Both have a perspective of facing the disease called cancer in the first place.
Because they are different, there will always be a temperature difference in their feelings about the disease.

Now, let’s review.

◼️ What you can do at the turning point
The following two

① [Change freely]

② [Getting a prospect for success]

Both of you, now and now, who have developed cancer
It will brighten the future.

And by envisioning a bright future and having hope for the future

Focusing on cancer treatment and fighting cancer may speed healing.



At the age of 10, one in one million people develops a rare cancer (osteosarcoma).
Cancer notification, amputation of right leg and life expectancy from the attending physician. From my own experience, I would like to convey the hearts of cancer patients, especially children with childhood cancer, to the world.

